To celebrate the collaboration with 0xGen, the ultimate-liquidity aggregator that sources liquidity from the whole market, Meta2150s and 0xGen are gonna host a raffle.
Time: 26th Sep 12PM UTC — 20th Oct 12PM UTC
✅ Trade on 0xGen for at least $200.
✅ Follow @Meta2150s on Twitter.
✅ Follow @0xgen_io on Twitter.
✅ Join Meta2150s telegram group.
✅ Join 0xGen telegram group.
✅ Join Meta2150s discord.
✅ Join 0xGen discord.
✅ RT the campaign tweet.
Claim the Raffle Ticket to get the chance to win Rewards:
Claim page:
- Land NFTs from meta2150s, floor price 1.85 sol on Magic Eden
How to swap on 0xGen
1️⃣ Go to
2️⃣ Select the chain and the token you want to swap and receive.
3️⃣ Connect wallet.
4️⃣ Enter the amount you want to swap and click swap.
5️⃣ 0xGen will find the best route and price to swap your tokens. If it is the first time you use 0xGen, you will need to give permission to use the token in your wallet, then click confirm swap.
6️⃣ You will be required to approve it in your wallet and the transaction will be submitted, then you can check the process and details on the blockchain explorer.
About 0xgen
0xgen is the ultimate-liquidity aggregator trading platform for experienced traders and crypto newbies. The ultimate goal is to integrate TradeFi, SocialFi and GameFi into one platform.
0xgen Widget integrates the most popular liquidity aggregators into one simple interface, offering the widest range of tokens and best exchange rates between any token pair.
We aim to provide the most friendly UX for users and the most powerful tools for developers to allow them to easily access the best-in-class swap experience in their application, interface, or on-chain programs.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram| App | Docs
About Meta2150s
Meta2150s is a multi-chain platform that aggregates GameFi, NFT, marketplaces, and guilds.
The ultimate goal of Meta2150s is to bring together guilds, games, marketplaces and game enthusiasts on the same platform, dedicated to improving current problems in Gamefi, such as island effect, eco fragmentation, lack of liquidity, and low exposure for some games.
With the release of the game Metabot2150 in the future, Meta2150s platform will introduce more game-like user experiences.